Summer Of Grace On Sale Now
Well The Summer of Grace comes out today and I feel like a cat with nine tails – all held straight up in the air as I prance about the house! This is such a fun time, following the long hours writing, the second guessing, and the agony of having to edit. I look at the graphic of Brown Hound and just smile. She was such a boon companion and wonderful keeper of secrets. I’m glad I am able to let readers love her as much as I did. The thing I most like about this book is not just the pure joy of Gracie and Jane hunting for old graves, sneaking out to the conjur woman, and scaring Miss Victoria half to death, it is the blossoming of young Gracie, as she grows into her very own authentic self. Something we can all relate to – a transformation that has a simple sweetness to it – a story that seems very needed in this time. Read it, if you feel so inclined. And know that Brown Hound would approve.